Här är det jag tror på mest av allting. Vi har svaren inom oss. När vi lär oss att följa vår inre röst så blir livet magiskt.

The Three Wise men of the East

They took from man The Crown of life, the thing that would make him the happiest.

One of them asks: Now that we've taken it, what are we going to do with it?

One of them says: We will take it to the highest, highest crevice on the face of the earth, on the highest, highest mountain and we will hide it up there and he will never be able to find it!

The other two says: Yeah, but you know how they are! They will hunt and they will search and they will eventually find it.

One of them says: I will tell you what we will do! We will take it to the deepest, deepest crevice of the deepest, deepest ocean and hide it there and they will never think about looking for it there!

The other two says: Yeah, but you know how they are! They will hunt and they will search and they will eventually find it.

One of them says: I will tell you what we will do! We will hide it within himself and he will never think about looking for it there!

Transcribed and slightly edited by Sebastian from: Joe & Charlie Big Book Study.